We took a really fun trip to San Diego, California for Spring Break. The really sad part is that I forgot my battery charger and so when my camera died on the first day, that was that. Darn! Anyway, we went to the San Diego Zoo Wild Animal Safari Park, the Beach, Sunset Cliffs, Coronado, San Diego Temple, Mormon
Battalion Museum, a showing of "Soul Surfer", Sunset Cliffs, Old Town San Diego, Little Italy, and Sea World. Rich joined us for half of the trip, so that made it extra fun. We got to see Steffi run at Mt SAC. The boys played basketball and pool and ping pong and ran, and we just plain had a wonderful time together. I'm so sad that I didn't get pictures. So, I'll have to remember what fun we all had, instead. Here are the boys at the Zoo.

Great.... I'm Gorilla-sized.

Baby gorillas...

Butterfly Exhibit

A day at the Zoo.